Prepare for Baby's arrival - Mommies Best Mall

Prepare for Baby's arrival

We have done our research and curated a list of items we think every new mother needs for her infant.

Newborn must have

Searching online, in-store, or through catalogs of baby products, tech, and clothing can be daunting! The lists seem endless and the products vary wildly from place to place some essential and others not so much.

To help the process along, we’ve sleuthed through the web in search of what you actually need in preparation for your little one.

Kicking things off we have diapers. Definitively one of the most important products to stock up on! We recommend getting the jumbo box of diapers in your preferred brand or investing in reusable cloth diapers, just ensure that you are getting the correct size.

Additionally, you might want to get waterproof covers, healing ointment, a changing pad, and stock up on washcloths or disposable wipes.


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Moving onto some must-have clothing, some important pieces are scratch-proof mittens to ensure the baby’s hands are covered and prevent them from scratching their faces. Onesies, nightgowns (used until the umbilical cord falls off) and socks or booties are generally the most important pieces.

When washing baby’s clothes do make sure that you’ve got infant safe laundry detergent on hand. 

If you are breastfeeding you don’t really need a lot of equipment, however, some good things to have on hand are milk storage containers, breast pads, a breast pump, burp cloths, and lots and lots of bibs. If you are bottle-feeding, other important things would be a thermal bottle carrier and bottle and nipple brush, and a bottle sterilizer.

Bed and bath time essentials include proper baby soap, a soft bristle brush for baby’s hair, and hooded towels.

For bed we strongly recommend waterproof covers for the mattress and if you are co-sleeping, waterproof pads to place underneath the baby.

Other general necessities are nail clippers, a baby thermometer, and a medicine spoon in case the baby needs to be given medicine.

Nice to have’s, but not essential items include pacifiers, rattles or other toys, a diaper bag, and a baby sling or carrier.

Struggling to find what you need? Take a browse through Mommies Best Mall for your essential items.

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