Introduction to Mommies Best Mall - Mommies Best Mall

Introduction to Mommies Best Mall

Hello and welcome to Mommies Best Mall! I am glad you’re here. This is not a typical blog post but I just want to start off with an introducing.

I am Irene. I am a wife and a mother. I have 6 children between the ages of 10 and 2 years.

My wonderful husband and I have been married since 2012. I had children in Place of Safety (a place of safety is a place where the social worker places a child in need until they find them a suitable home) since before we met.

When we got married we adopted 4 children and later had two children of our own. You can read more about our story here.


Mommies Best Mall was created to help moms in all stages of life, to help to overcome the many challenges we often face; feeling alone, helpless, or like a failure. We are all moms, some have been moms for a long time others are just starting the journey, there is so much to learn and I wish we could have a guide on how to raise our kids, what to do when they are sick, how to do this and how to do that.... at every stage in our mommy walk there is issues and questions, and there is where Mommies Best Mall Blog is coming into the picture, we want to help you in answering your questions, maybe you have a question feel free to send us an email and ask us, maybe you have something you would like to share feel free to send me in an email and we can find out the best way to share it to other moms. This site is for you mommies of the world, we are here together, You are not alone. None of us are. We can help each other with our issues. Join our private Facebook chat group for moms and share with other moms in the same situation ask questions, help others and get help.

About Mommies Best Mall

Mommies Best Mall is a new site for mothers and expecting moms. We offer mommy products and mommy advice. We are launching not just as a shop, but as a community for mommies and expectant mothers. Mommies Best Mall serves as a site to help in mommy struggles.

We understand how frustrating and difficult things can be when caring for children, being a wife and managing a household. Mommies Best Mall strives to provide support to all mommies with or without troubles and in all stages of motherhood.

The shop opened recently but many things are still to come. Currently, we offer maternity productsbaby productsPrenatal, or Antenatal care online courses and a discussion group for mommies on Facebook.

The Facebook forum is for all mommies whenever you feel alone in your struggles, or need encouragement.  The group is for all of us to give guidance, support and to encourage each other. A place we can talk, vent out, or inspire.

Mommies Best Mall also offers articles on different topics that are relevant to moms who have kids of all ages.

This and a lot more is to come for every mom out there that feels they are alone.  You are not alone. There are many of us. Not everybody is a happy mom. Yes, maybe on the outside, but how many of us are struggling with raising kids?

It is not easy. We can have so many thoughts, “are we doing the right thing?”

Let’s work together to be happier parents and do the best we can for our kids… it might seem like a long time from now, but soon they will be out of the house.

All this time you now have with them will be gone.  Make it count. Make this time count, even the hard times.

Please join our Newsletter and be the first to get our news, updates, and offers.

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We also have a free e-book and newsletter for expecting mothers.

I would love your feedback on my site, I would love to know what you would like to see here, what you think about the products what you are missing, articles you like or don't like, anything you want to comment on is welcome, good or bad comment under or send me an email to I would love to hear from you!

About the shop

We aim only to help mommies ensure they can find the best products and useful information to help to become a mom a little easier. The products available in Mommies Best Mall are comfortable, safe, durable and affordable.

Mommies Best Mall is still young, but our aim is to bring everything mothers need to our one-stop shop, effectively helping mommies and expectant mothers on their journey.

Mommies Best Mall is a wonderful site with the intention of always addressing mommies’ parenting concerns. Bringing together all the products that we believe to be beneficial in resolving mommies’ struggles. Mommies Best Mall sources products that provide, comfort, health, and safety. Making sure to establish the quality of each product available in Mommies Best Mall first. Customers can rest assured that the site only has items worth of their money. 

Mommies Best Mall caters to everything mommies need. To be able to give you the best of best we are affiliated with other shops. Some of our links will guide you to another website where you can make a purchase. If you follow our link when ordering, we will get a commission from that sale, at no extra cost to you. This helps support our website and the content we bring you.

### For more information about Mommies Best Mall, please visit or read more about us here.

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